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Học bổng toàn phần Annika Rodriguez đại học Washington University in St. Louis (top 15, St. Louis, M

Hạn nộp: Jan-1st-17

This scholarship gives full tuition and a $2,500 annual stipend. Awards are based on academic achievement (strong grades and SAT or ACT scores), a commitment to serving historically underprivileged populations, the ability to bring diverse people together, application answers and essay, and recommendations received as part of the admission application.

Students who apply to any undergraduate division of Washington University may apply for the Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program. This internationally preeminent program is intended to foster a richly diverse educational atmosphere on campus and diversity of the student body.

The Rodriguez Scholars Program

Washington University’s Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program recognizes students of exceptional merit who demonstrate academic and leadership achievements, along with the passion for community service exemplified by Annika Rodriguez. In keeping with the legacy of the program, applicants should demonstrate their commitment to, or a history of, bringing diverse groups together and celebrating the cultures of diverse people.

Those selected as Rodriguez Scholars are expected to participate in a program designed for them, including orientation to Washington University, meetings with university and community leaders, academic support and advising, the Rodriguez Freshman Seminar, and events with other Rodriguez Scholars. The Scholars are expected to become involved in activities on campus and in community service projects.


The Rodriguez Scholars Program is open to all applicants. Awards are based on academic achievement (strong grades and SAT or ACT scores), a commitment to serving historically underprivileged populations, the ability to bring diverse people together, application answers and essay, and recommendations received as part of the admission application.

On-Campus Interviews for Finalists

The Rodriguez Scholars Committee will evaluate applications and invite finalists to Washington University for personal interviews. To remain eligible for scholarships, finalists will need to come to Washington University March 30 through April 2, 2017, for the interviews and related activities. Washington University will pay for finalists' round-trip expenses within the United States and their expenses while in St. Louis during these four days.

To apply for the Annika Rodriguez Scholars Program:

  1. Submit an application for admission to the Class of 2021, including a transcript.

  2. Submit a separate application for the Rodriguez Scholars Program.

If you wish to apply online, you must first submit your Common Application or Coalition Application to gain access to the WashU Pathway. You may apply online through a link when you log in to the WashU Pathway.

3. Write brief answers (each 150 words or less) to both of the following questions:

Describe a high school or community activity in which you have taken initiative. What was the outcome? What did you learn from the experience?

What is one thing you would change about your community and why?

4. Write a short essay (500 words or less) on the following topic:

Consider the biography of Annika Rodriguez below and the eligibility requirements, and reflect upon your commitment to bringing diverse groups together and/or celebrating the cultures of diverse peoples. How do you demonstrate this commitment? How do your community service activities demonstrate your dedication to the ideals embraced by the Rodriguez Scholars Program?

5. Keep a copy of your completed scholarship application.

Annika Rodriguez

Annika Lynn Rodriguez was born and raised in Puerto Rico prior to attending Washington University. She received a BSBA degree from the university’s Olin Business School in 1996, majoring in international business. While a student, she was active with the Association of Latin American Students, serving as its president during her senior year. Annika planned the first Latin American Awareness Week on campus, educating Washington University students about issues affecting Latin America, as well as teaching merengue and other dances.

She joined the Peace Corps after graduation and was sent to Honduras to help aid people living in poverty. Tragically, she was killed in a flash flood while there. In remembering her, a friend said, "Annika gave herself wholeheartedly to every person who entered her life."

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