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Du học hè Nauy: học bổng du học hè tại đại học Oslo, Nauy

Hạn nộp: Feb-01, 17

The University of Oslo offers scholarships to applicants from certain countries to study Masters and Bachelor’s courses offered during the International Summer School.

Host Institution(s):

University of Oslo, Norway

Level/Field of study:

Note: Not all course levels are covered by the scholarship. Please check this link to know which courses you can apply with a scholarship, depending where you are from.

Number of Awards:


Target group:

International students from Asia, Oceania, Africa, Central America and South America, Caucasus and Balkans, Former Soviet Union states, EU and EEA countries, USA, and Canada.

Scholarship value/inclusions:

The scholarship includes the basic fee, reading materials, and Oslo transportation card. The scholarship may include a travel grant that covers the plane tickets to/from Oslo (priority is given to applicants to Master’s courses from countries in Asia, Oceania, Africa or South America)

Read the ISS Terms and Conditions for complete scholarship information.


You must meet the Academic and English Proficiency requirements for ISS courses. Competition for ISS’ scholarships is very tough.

Application instructions:

To apply, you must register your application through UiO’s application portal before 1 February 2017.

It is important to read the scholarship application process and visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


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